FOCUS Teen Church was launched in Jan 2006. The name FOCUS stands for Focusing On Christ’s Ultimate Sacrifice. It started as a monthly Friday evening outreach worship event organized & run by teenagers – and met in the Newbold Primary School Hall (west of London). Involvement, music & food are key elements. Involvement: The FOCUS… Continue reading
Post Category → Emerging Church
Fresh Expressions of Church!
Fresh expressions of church are happening. It is as if God is giving His church back to His people – and members (young and old) are accepting the challenge. Click on and read the stories of the FOCUS Teen Church & an emerging initiative for professionals in London, LEVEL SEVEN.
Dangerous Stories – Bainesy’s Report
I was challenged at this summit by the call of the presenters (such as Mike Frost, Mark Seyers and Wolfgang Simpson) to deny self, avoid consumerism and seek God-initiatives rather than our own. None of these things are new of course, yet summits such as this often remind us of what is most important in… Continue reading
What’s your Dangerous Story?
The Forge National Summit occurred last weekend (Melbourne, Australia) and saw hundreds of people on the emergent journey exposed to ‘dangerous stories’ from scripture, history, people’s lives and from churches seeking to engage with people in our culture in more faithful ways. "This was my first experience mixing with people from Forge and the emergent… Continue reading
Quiet Church
Henrik Jorgensen, Dean of Students at Newbold College (England) was on a stop-over in Copenhagen – and when walking past the Cathedral was invited by a street poster to their Night Church. There are a variety of evening services – but Henrik slipped into the Sunday evening ‘ssshh-church’. He says, “I went in and it… Continue reading
Emerging Stories
Emerging Adventism – possibilities? "Although there is widespread misunderstanding of emerging church – and valid criticisms – the principles, when applied with care, may provide Seventh-day Adventism with new frames and expressions within which the Adventist message and mission could flourish in postmodern societies. Contrary to popular opinion, postmodernism may be less a threat to… Continue reading
Remix – the story!
by Lasse Bech This is a story worth reading. Remix is an emerging church plant for teenagers in Copenhagen, Denmark. Background In January 2000 the idea of beginning a missional work for teenagers in North-West Copenhagen was born. Four people from the newly planted (1998) CaféChurch in Copenhagen began vision casting and planning how to… Continue reading
Kind or Right?
It's More Important To Be Kind Than Right. It was with these words that Jim Henderson introduced this years Off The Map event called You Say You Want A Revolution. Jim says, "Many theologian types in the room breathed a sigh of relief when Brian McLaren got up and modified my intro with: 'I'm not sure… Continue reading
Almost an Atheist
At the Revolution Conference Helen Mildenhall – who hosts the Off the Map blogs Ebay Atheist and Conversation at the Edge – was invited to share her journey from committed Christian to being ‘almost an atheist.’ Helen explained that she didn’t decide God is not there, just that she had to consider, “What if he… Continue reading