Click to download PDF copies of –
1 Conversation Guide – Multiplying Disciples & Churches SEPT 2016 (Sept 2016)
2 Conversation Guide: Planting Churches that Multiply
3 Conversational Prayer
4 Church Planting: New Churches for New People
5 Six Steps to Planting a Church: Ministry (June 2012) Roennfeldt
6 Cultivating Church Planting in Your Territory: Ministry (Dec 2013) Roennfeldt
7 Disciple Making: Jesus’ Five Invitations: Ministry (Nov 2014) Roennfeldt
8 From Bridges – trust to following Jesus – ideas on leading contacts and friends to Jesus!
9 Handing on Faith: Ministering with Millennials (2009) Roennfeldt
10 Book mark for 4 field & 6 steps in planting churches that multiply: Bkmark Ch Planting
11 Discovery Bible Reading explained! discovery-bible-reading
12 Sample bookmark for Discovery Bible Reading: 1-bkmark-bible-reading-1
13 Sample bookmark for Elementary Teachings & Commands of Jesus: Bkmark Elementary St
First Steps to start a New Faith Group …
For ideas and process, download the conversation guide: Planting Churches that Multiply (above) – and with a few friends start working through the ideas. With this, read through the book of Acts in the New Testament and learn to pray conversationally. This way of praying is so natural and refreshing. You can download the short article above. See where the Holy Spirit leads. Then …
1. Connect with people – through eating with and listening to them. Don’t wait another week. Find an opportunity to eat with an unchurched family member, neighbor, friend – and listen to them.
2. Gather a small group of family or friends: Perhaps your teenage or adult kids who no longer connect with church, would join you for a meal at home or cafe; maybe 2 or 3 friends!
3. Print a bookmark with the five questions (1) anything new? (2) anything we don’t like (3) anything we don’t understand? (4) anything we will apply to our lives? (5) anything we will share with another this week & with whom?
4. Read the Gospel of Mark together – one story or chapter at a time, using the bookmark questions for discussion.
5. Pray conversationally.
Dear Pastor Peter,
Christian Greetings!
I’m one of the attendees of church planting here in Dubai.
I wanted to ask the link of the presentations you gave us.
Thank you very much and God bless your ministry.
In Christ,
Beth Dominic
+971 50 2952317
Hello Elizabeth, I have been traveling and have missed your request. If you go to the home page you can download Planting Churches that Multiply – which covers the presentations I made in Dubai. Kindest Christian regards, Peter
Dear Pastor Peter,
Thank you for blessing us in Dubai!
We look forward to your arrival in September.
Christ’s blessings,
do u offer training to international pastors/
Dear Pastor Peter,
Thank you for your kind and patient counsel on church planting to our little group. May God richly bless you, yours, and your ministry.