Church planting is a spiritual activity – most effective when it is a grassroots movement. The “early rain” of the Spirit was poured out on all who were praying for it – at Pentecost. About 120 were praying, all in one location, in Jerusalem. As a result, about 3,000 others were baptised and received His anointing. Just as Jesus died and rose once, so the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost day – and has been present on this earth since, working in the hearts of people. Since then, we have lived in the era of the Holy Spirit.
But, what if around the globe, people were praying for the outpouring of the “latter rain” as believers started new missional initiatives and church plants for their unchurched friends? It is not that the Spirit is not present. He has come. But we are so unmindful and neglectful of Him. If we connected with Him, where would the rain of His presence and power fall? Where would the Spirit descend? Would He not lighten the entire globe with His glory? Is this not what has been prophesied to happen according to Revelation 18:1-4?
We will be regularly adding new ideas here for you & your church plant to experience the Holy Spirit’s annointing. Check out the ideas to the right or simple click on the following –
Thanks for your ideas, I’m looking forward to more. My wife and I are planting a church for echo boomers in Keller, Texas. We started with the two of us and our daughter and now, four months later we’re at 20, 10 of which are teens and 5 of which are non-Adventist/non-churched. As we pray we are seeing God move. More and more non-churched and non-Adventists are making contact with us as we enter the mission field of North America in the 21st century. I’m continually amazed at how open people are. I truly believe that God is doing something special in this coming generation. Jesus is coming sooner than we can comprehend. In prayer for the latter rain. Mike
Thanks for sharing, Mike. You, your wife and daughter are where God wants you – and you can see God moving in people’s lives. There are so many stories coming in that it is impossible to keep up with them – and this is what we rejoice in for this must be out of human control. In the next day I will post something on “the latter rain” for some readers may not be familiar with this biblical term. Blessings. Peter
I visited the Operation Global Rain website and shared the idea with my family, my husband and two children of 18 and 8 years old. We are excited and have been praying together and will be part of the global family praying for the Latter Rain from 27.06.07 to 07.07.07. Praise God!
Dear friends,
we are from the north part of Sri Lanka. Vavuniya.
believe we live every miunite under the fear of death and arrestment. war around , artillaries are shaking our hearts with its heavy sounds. even now at this time of my letter my heart is shewring in the heavy sound of artillary.
but a small group of us are praying. we could feel the spirit of God moving among us. holy spirit is moving and our hearts are filled with joy and happiness.
friends from Vavuniya. SDA Church.