Check out this story of Jesus – from Bethlehem.
Post Category → Emerging Church
Experiencing Simple Church!
Graham and Ailsa Ure have had simple church in their home each Saturday for 18 months now – but, simple church is not a one hour worship service. A number of factors motivated their move from long involvement in established conventional churches, including – none of the many friends they invited to church (over many… Continue reading
Social Networking is Changing Church
See this 20 minute Clay Shirky presentation Institutions vs. Collaboration . What do you think could be implications for – 1. mission? 2. movements? 3. insider movements? 4. the way church exists in the global north?
Vive Café is ‘Church’!
For many of the approximately 100 community people who come in for fellowship and friendship – and a three course meal each Thursday evening, this is their ‘church’. Revive church plant (Melbourne, Australia) has a praise and commitment time each Saturday evening, a bunch of small groups and mid-week church, prayer fellowship every Monday evening,… Continue reading
Steigen – ‘It can happen’
Some are not sure that the gospel can be shared in western cultures – and some are still trying to perfect past methods. But starting with what God had placed in their hands – a small farm, horses, a workshop and a heart for young people – Jan Erik and Gunhild Hansen in Steigen in… Continue reading
Is it Church?
A good friend, Dave Lawton, is quietly cultivating a network of church plants in Melbourne. He writes: You have to check out a great ministry that the workers call 'HR' (House of Restoration). Although they are a charity, it sure looks like Church planting to me! Tommy (the founder) told me 'we don't want to… Continue reading
Ministry in a postmodern world
For ideas on ministry in a postmodern environment some may like to check out Ryan Bell’s blog. Ryan is the pastor of the Hollywood Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Three is Enough Groups!
Three is Enough Groups (pray, grow, serve) are expected to make a big impact for the gospel – all over the world. Check out Todd Hunters blog at
Café Church creates community!
For a couple of years now the Neighbourhood Action Team (NAT) often chaired by the Scunthorpe Mayor – which includes the police, local Council, Probation Services, Neighbourhood Watch, and various other bodies – have held their monthly meetings in the Café. At the last NAT meeting there were about 50 people present – and the… Continue reading
Café Church creates community!
Cottage Beck Café Church “just seems to draw people to it.” (read more)