Revive is one year old!

Activities through the year have included a 48 hour prayer weekend, revive café nights, the development of a number of Life Groups – including one that meets on Saturday afternoons at 2pm, and now sometimes expands into a large Bible class, support for a community house and a weekly community meal for disadvantaged people –… Continue reading

God answers prayers in the Pub!

Planters Bryan and Isobel Webster imagined that people would relax in the Cottage Beck Café Church environment – then perhaps link to a Bible discussion group. When Church in the Pub (the Kingsway @ the Queensway) started – they thought the same would happen. (read more – to see what IS happening!)

Sharing faith in the local bar!

Genevieve was a politician in Marseille, France. Genevieve invites friends to meals in her home and the local bar – and their “spiritual interest” is awakened simply by the fact that she, an intelligent community leader has chosen to be a Christian and leader in a small church. Genevieve and her friend Yvette (her pastor’s… Continue reading