Activities through the year have included a 48 hour prayer weekend, revive café nights, the development of a number of Life Groups – including one that meets on Saturday afternoons at 2pm, and now sometimes expands into a large Bible class, support for a community house and a weekly community meal for disadvantaged people – and the dynamic growth of a worshipping fellowship. This week revive is hosting a Victorian Youth Event with Terry Johnnson (Wed 7.30 pm), organizing a BBQ and community prayer walk (Thu 6.30 pm), and screening The Passion on Friday evening (7 pm) – at their Croydon NEW LIFE Centre. Commenting on their first birthday, Julie Judd said, “This celebration is not about us. We are celebrating what God has done!” Others commented on the vision of revive being a church that “will multiply.” The vision has been to cultivate an open, welcoming, refreshing, releasing and multiplying community that is faithful to God.