6 Invitations in ‘Making Disciples’

Jesus told his followers to ‘go and make disciples’. This is exactly what he had been doing over the time of his ministry on earth. He extended 6 invitations in the process –

1. Come & see: experience who he is – eating, sharing and healing.
2. Follow me: he invited them into relationship.
3. Become ‘fishermen’: participate with him in kingdom ministry.
4. Take up ‘the cross’: engage in upside down cruciform selfless living.
5. Receive the Spirit: be anointed with his presence – with and in us.
6. Go & make disciples: multiply.

1 Comments 6 Invitations in ‘Making Disciples’

  1. Pr. Jeremiah Alisengawa

    I have liked these materials, I request that you can enlist me for the acquisition of these materials.

    I am the Executive Secretary of Central Uganda Conference.

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