Alfa Gospel Praises on tour in Finland

“The 50 young people of Alfa Gospel Praises are creating a big impact here,” says Atte Helminen – leader of the Adventist Church in Finland (and church planter). Alfa Gospel Praises is a new form of church plant for postmoderns in the Czech Republic. Having planted Nova Šance in Záb?eh, Martin Veselý and his team looked for ways to connect with the young postmoderns of the town. Olga Veselá and Simeon Hybl had the vision of Alfa Gospel Praises – inspiring young people to join a professional, high energy choir singing gospel music in English. Most of the choir are unchurched – but several of them were just baptized before going on tour in Finland and others will be baptized when they return home in early September. “I was truly blessed by the sincerity of their ministry,” Atte says.

1 Comments Alfa Gospel Praises on tour in Finland

  1. Pastor Mudagiri Joseph

    Beloved in Christ Jesus
    Greeting you in Jesus’ name our Lord and God,
    I do thank God for letting us know you through your website,
    I am Pastor Mudagiri Joseph have Ministry calls Healing Hearts Ministries in Great Lakes Region H.M.G.L our field of works are in Rwanda and DRC/Congo we have the following Objectives
    1.Capacity building of different groups vulnerable in Rwanda and RDC Congo
    2.helping the Evangelists through trainings.
    3.To preach the gospel of Jesus as our personal savior and our redeemer
    4.To equip the body of Christ for the works of the Ministries
    5.To teach the believers professional skills that can make them out from poverty
    6.To teach people of how they can prevent themselves from AIDS and to help the Street children who are taking care for themselves and teaching them also the professional skills that they may be able in different activities.

    This is why we are writing to you for requesting to you the partnership so that we can attend our goal as our Lord is calling us to do.
    hoping that our Lord will continue opening in you the door that we may stand together for the glory of the Lord especial y in these countries where wars,massacres and genocide of 1994 took place.
    As you know we have many orphans,widows and many vulnerable people who can help for themselves by standing with us i do believe that we will be more fruitfully more than we are for now.

    Expecting hearing good answer from you as possible as you can
    Our Prayers of love are with you
    Yours in Him

    Pastor Mudagiri Joseph
    Founder and President of
    Healing Hearts Ministries
    P.O.Box 4521 Kigali Rwanda

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