There are two important conferences being held in Australia in the next few weeks – conferences that will foster cutting edge church planting movements:
Fueling an Australian Church Planting Movement : next1000 Summit
This is an opportunity for church planting leaders to meet to share stories of progress in fueling a church planting movement across Australia. It is a chance to learn from each other, pray and worship together, and to discern what God is calling us to do.
For more details & online bookings, go to next1000 Summit
FORGE NATIONAL SUMMIT in Melbourne : Dangerous Stories 2
A revolution in what in means to faithfully follow Jesus in the 21st century has been taking place across the western world. Forge believes this movement is no mere fad – but does involve a radical rethink that goes to the very heart of discipleship, the nature of Church, & our purposes. See and feel what God is doing across Australia in birthing new forms of Christian community, stimulating radical discipleship, & rousing us to innovative mission. Speakers will include Brian McLaren (a key voice for the Emerging Church in the US), Wolfgang Simson (author of ‘Houses that Change the World’), Michael Frost (author of the newly released ‘Exiles’) & Alan Hirsch (co-author with Mike Frost of ‘The Shaping of Things to Come’).
For more details & online bookings, check out Dangerous Stories 2