As they look around the group, the leaders of the Geraldton Adventist Fellowship note two things – (1) most are dealing with big issues – drugs, drink, gambling, depression, etc, and need a lot of support, prayer and nurture; but (2) all who attend their growing plant have come from personal invitations, constant visitation and encouragement.
Eva Taylor, who was baptized last Saturday, was one. A member who is intellectually challenged often talked with Eva – and Val Royce suggested they go together to meet Eva. “I developed a friendship with Eva and then invited her along to our fellowship,” says Val. “She accepted the invitation, much to the astonishment of her family, and has not missed since.”
Eva Taylor and Charmaine Merritt were baptised at Drummond's Cove. Four of Eva's children plus extended family were present. Chaimaine had many of her family present to share this special time. Over 80 folk were either at the morning or afternoon service or both.
Geraldton Adventist Fellowship began six years ago when, because of conflict in the local church, some began to meet in a home. “Our home meeting grew to the extent that we needed to move to a large shed on our property,” reports Val & Trevor Royce. The group consisted of Aboriginal folk and some who had not attended any church for many years. “I think they found a home situation much more welcoming,” Val says. Two years ago the group moved to a community centre in a Geraldton suburb – used by the government for play groups, community health activities, etc. “We are delighted to be able to use the centre rent free pretty much whenever we wanted it. It has a large meeting hall with attached kitchen, a couple of smaller rooms that we use for classes and a large enclosed back yard with sandpit and shady trees and adjoins a large park.” (Geraldton is a coastal city, some hours drive north of Perth, Western Australia.)
Oh sorry just mentioned I forgot it was Geraldton seventh day I went too, I found it small older people, kind enough, but the pastor never visited or followed up with contact.
Never been back since, I use to be an adventist , but left due to a divorse, I was hoping this one would off reached out more.
I don’t know if you have a contact email for the Valerie who wrote the above comment but I would like to invite her to our Adventist Family Fellowship which meets at Spalding Family Centre a suburb of Geraldton at 11.00am each Sat. I am saddened to hear she did not receive the support she was looking for.