Great Christian Doctrines in John’s Gospel

The being and nature of God (1:1-18)
The Word of God (1:1-2; 5:31-47)
Jesus – Creator & Saviour (1:3, 4, 10)
Holy Spirit – Counselor & Presence (7:25-43; 14-16)
Human nature & Salvation (3:1-21)
Baptism (1:29-34; 3:5, 22-36)
Forgiveness, new life & witness (4:1-38)
Sabbath – life through Jesus (5:1-47)
Death & resurrection to life (5:21-29; 11:1-44)
Two resurrections (5:28-29)
Resurrection on the last day (6:25-71)
Commandments & grace (8:1-11)
Real disciples – the ‘church’ (8:31-47)
Sabbath – sign that Jesus is God (8:48-42)
The glory of God & judgement (12:20-50)
Foot-washing & Lord’s Supper (13:1-38)
Second coming of Jesus (14:1-3)
The presence of Jesus – ‘Christ in Us’ (14:12-23)
Prayer (17:1-26)
Salvation story (18:1-20:9)
Sanctuary ministry (1:29; 2:12-25; 6:1-15; 7:1-43; 19:28-42)
Resurrection body (20:10-31)
Great commission (20:21-23; 21:1-25)
Restitution – restoration (21:15-23)

2 Comments Great Christian Doctrines in John’s Gospel

  1. alfred

    This looks like a typical Seventh-day Adventist message, but how does i stack-up with house church beliefs?

  2. peter

    This is simply an outline of some key themes in the Gospel of John. As house churches explore the Word of God these insights may or may not be helpful, depending on the group.

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