Every close and personal work that God wishes to do in our lives – He does through the activity and influence of this special person, the Holy Spirit. The writers of the Bible knew the Holy Spirit as God.
The Holy Spirit has four distinctly God qualities – attributes that are also seen in the eternal Father and in Jesus Christ –
He is described as eternal or self-existent. (Heb 9:14)
He is everywhere at the same time – or omnipresent. (Psalm 139:7?10)
He is “the power of the Most High” – or omnipotent. (Luke 1:35)
He knows all & can teach all – or, He is omniscient. (1 Cor 2: 10, 11; John 14:26; 16:12, 13)
The Holy Spirit does the works of God for –
He creates (Job 33:4; Psalm 104:30)
He gives life (John 6:63; Rom 8:11), and
He inspires (2 Sam 23:2, 3; 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Tim 3:16)
The Holy Spirit bears the names of God. For example, you will note that the words of Jehovah in the Old Testament (Isaiah 6:1-10) are referred to as the words of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament (Acts 28:25-27). He is called –
the Spirit of life (Rom 8:2)
the Spirit of adoptions (Rom 8:5)
the Spirit of truth (John 14:17)
the Spirit of wisdom and revelation (Eph 1: 17)
the Spirit of grace (Heb 10:29)
the Spirit of glory (1 Pet 4:14)
The Holy Spirit is a distinct personality – a distinct person of the Godhead. Although divine, there is a distinction between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Check out the stories of –
Our Lord's Baptism: Matt 3:16, 17; Luke 3:21, 22. The descending Spirit is distinct from our baptized Saviour, and from the approving Father. “Go to Jordan and thou shalt see the Trinity,” was an early Christian saying.
Our Lord's Promise of the Holy Spirit: John 14:16, 17. Again, the Holy Spirit is clearly distinct from the Saviour and the Father.
Our Lord's Commission: Matt 28:19. The linking of the names the Father God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in this manner is extraordinary and significant – but they do not clash. The name of any other person inserted instead of Christ, or the Holy Spirit, would immediately create discord. Even Paul or Moses would be out of place. But, these three – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – belong together. There is harmony – yet a distinction!
It is a privilege to speak of the Holy Spirit. He is with us always!