In the midst of a very public political ‘meltdown’ in Australia this week over climate change solutions, a caller to a radio-talk program mused over political leaders who have made him proud. Those he mentioned came from diverse political parties! It got me thinking about Christian leaders. Most denominations produce administrators – but true leaders are rarely high-profile or political. Here are some of the leaders I am proud to know –
• Dave Lawton – who is out in the suburbs of Melbourne cultivating church planters and church plants.
• Bill Hodgson – committed to building people and cultivating movement thinking in missional organizations.
• Julie Judd – who loves Jesus and young people intensely, releasing young adults to find their ways to serve and honor God.
• Steve Addison – passionate about people knowing Jesus and author of Movements that Change the World.
• Gaby and Marty Philips – who have the most incredible heart for and skills to engage ‘unreached people groups’ in the 10/40 window!
• Julian Dunham – who equips leaders and cultivates new expressions of faith to extend God kingdom!
• Velda & David Cox – for Velda’s love for Muslim women and David’s commitment to small groups, engaging with and building people!
• Rudy Dingjan – who encourages and supports church planting teams in the Netherlands and across Europe!
• Isobel & Brian Webster – faithful and persistent in witness, opening God’s kingdom to their communities!
• Pierre Kempf – a most faithful servant to God in the midst of adversity, who builds incarnational missional groups in France!
• Laszlo Szabo – who has inspired mission conferences, leads people to Jesus, encourages and builds people, equips and teaches!
• Monte Sahlin – with an amazing track-record of urban ministry, who quietly cultivates and build people for urban mission!
• Aris Vontzalidis – who with his wife, Sophia, builds people, cultivates small groups and new churches – and faithfully serves in England.
• Jerald and Judy Whitehouse – who have lived ‘faith development in context’ among the people of major world religions.
Now that I have started the list I have been reminded of hundreds – and there are stories behind each. There is Tina, Rachel, Russ, Matt, Carla, Kristen, Daniel, Frank, Gabi, Tess, Alex, Anthony, Rebecca, Rachael, Dave, Andy, Claire, Laverne, Kara, Mayda, Betina, Juris, Ash, Nicole, John, Gary, Sharon, Regina, Paul, Rod, Dana & Leslie, Rosemary & Gordon, Gabi & Frank, Olga & Martin, etc, etc. The list of the faithful goes on and on! (Hebrews 11 continued!) Share a comment – and tell of someone who is cultivating God’s kingdom in ways that make you proud!
And Peter, we’re proud of YOU! Thank you for your wisdom and faithfulness, kindness and compassion.
I will mention a couple of folk Peter Harper, James Greensill (Australia), Andrew Sieja, Maciek and Agathy Strzyzewski (Poland) who encourage people to pursue the things of God’s heart. This priceless gift of encouragement has given me courage in times of darkness, peril and discouragement.