New Believers – Equipping Disciples

Last week I was asked about discipling resources for new believers, following their baptisms. For some time now I have been suggesting a very specific schedule of Bible reading – using the five small group questions (anything new? anything I don’t like? etc). I find this works better than suggesting ‘discipleship courses.’ Encourage each person to –
1. Join a small group that has a plan to plant a new group/church.
2. Be involved in a service project – providing ‘pastoral care’ two or three others, feeding the poor etc.
3. Regularly meet with a friend or two for coffee, to read the Bible – starting with Mark, then Acts, John, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians. (Acts gets them involved in mission, and John reviews all of the major teachings of faith.)
4. Read Revelation (usually just reading the book, rather than doing seminars) in a mid-size dialogue group. It is ‘the revelation of Jesus Christ’ and although complex, God’s Spirit touches post-modern lives through its message!