NEWS 16 Feb 03

Dear Church Planters

It is very encouraging to hear of how God is working to create new groups – to reach new people for his kingdom. You will again find a collection of ministry ideas in this NEWS. Which ideas could you adapt and initiate in your community? I pray that God will bless as you work at the cutting-edge

– touching lost people with the story of God’s love.

Kind regards

Peter Roennfeldt





Helsinki SEEDcafe worker, Erja, has moved to Scunthorpe (England) to share her expertise and energies with Cottage Beck Cafe Church. Church Planter Bryan Webster, writes, “God’s timing as usual is perfect – Eija will be able to take care of the Cafe and open it perhaps four days a week.” And here are some upcoming iniatives – designed to interface with the unchurched community – # Netcafe, the Internet Cafe section at Cottage Beck Cafe Church, is being launched on February 19 at 11am. The Editor of the local newspaper will present Cottage Beck Cafe with their ‘Awards for All Grant’ cheque. All the companies who have provided the computers and equipment will be present to get their pictures in the paper (‘We thought that if we asked the Editor to be the local dignitary, we would be sure of getting a good write up in the paper!’) # “One main aim I have for the next few months is to move a Thursday morning home Bible Study to the Cafe and have it late afternoon on Saturdays,” says Bryan. “We feel it is important to establish an unchurched Sabbath meeting at the Cafe. So I think that is our main thing to be praying about just now.”


Martin Vukmanic, church planting coordinator for Sweden, has been on his back for five months – with back problems. He writes – “Since I was ‘grounded’ to, I have put my energy into the Stockholm Church Planting Project. We have been gathering in my home regularly every Wednesday – myself lying on the floor or sofa and others sitting around. Today we have seven cell groups of young people meeting weekly. The core group is also meeting regularly and preparing a Project Plan. On the first Sabbath in each month we have a ‘celebration’ when all cells gather to worship and fellowship. Some evangelistic events have been created in order to invite friends. We are slowly growing and at the moment we are about 40 people involved. We are also providing support and training for cell leaders. The core group has been at the Willow Creek conference. We are also planning to organise another Retreat weekend – where we hope to invite everybody.”

ONE PERSPECTIVE – from a young post-modern adult!

“I visited the Adventist church today and there were actually people in there this time … lots more! I met a few – but it’ll all take time. There seems to be so much focus on ‘end times’ – from a fear perspective though (which I find difficult) – going through the signs of the end, etc. Really, most people know about this and I do not see any good in dissecting it all and trying to make a certain power responsible (eg. America). I think we should not forget we are here as Christians to spread the good news – rather than sitting and waiting in fear (perhaps fear from not feeling assured). I just felt a bit strange at the sabbath school when everyone was talking about end times with such fear – while I am so excited about God coming again (and better sooner than later)! I don’t know … maybe …

“Anyway, a friend of mine from work and I are hoping to start a small group. She’s from a different denomination but the main thing is she is all for Christ which I think is great. I have been attending a homely small church every second week which I think is great. From a Christian perspective, it does not matter (when you are there) what denomination you are from… except I guess if you were Catholic or orthodox it might be quite confronting! I intend to going to the Adventist church again next week to see how it goes.” – 12 Feb 03

RUDY DINGJAN SPEAKS AT CORNELIUS-DAY: The Netherlands church planting coordinator, Rudy Dingjan, was one of the featured speakers at the German

‘Cornelius-day’ last weekend. “Designed for church planters – as well as

for people who are interested in church planting – the weekend event attracted some 500 people,” reports Willie Schultz from Germany. “The teaching about the Holy Spirit has made a big impact on us. Many of us are developing a completely new relationship to the the third person of the Godhead.”


You may want to check out some of the ministry activities that are being used to reach unchurch people. Are there ideas here that your church plant could implement? Look at the following –

## YEOVIL FAMILY CHURCH – Ministry Ideas! (South England Conference) = Holiday Club (24-28 Feb): “The flyers are going out through the school this week. We are trying to get helpers in. The two parents that usually support daily cannot do the whole week so we are needing to go wider for helpers and get them all officially checked. We need to write all our interactive Bible Stories. The theme this year is ‘Mighty Mountains’ – and we have all the paper mache in. (It is going to be a messy week.)”

= Adventurers/Tyros & Pathfinders/Teens: “Last Thursday we had a community teacher come along with her two children. She helped us run Adventurers – it was wonderful. She plans to join us this Thursday as we are swimming with the Adventurers. She is very eager.”

= Mother’s Meetings – on Wednesdays: Designed to help mums survive the young family stage. We talk – and even pray together. Prayer is very new for these mums.

= ‘Time Out Together’ – a registered/incorporated charity fostered by planters Leslie and Dana King – is designed to support a range of children’s and youth ministries in the community. It has wide (and

growing) support among community leaders. Plans are coming together for a centre – where the Yeovil Family Church will also meet.

## FROM ‘eside southside’ –

= GROW Education: offers ‘Christianity 101’ for new Christians and those getting aquainted with God & ‘Spiritual Gifts 101’ for those wanting to find out how to serve God.

= Sabbath morning ‘Southside Breakfast’ – for fellowship and sharing.

= ‘Pastor for Lunch’ in Spot on Cafe – by invitation only! This provides an opportunity for those who are new to meet the pastors and hear of the vision of the church.