NEWS 16 Oct 06

Hello Church Planters,     

Are we reaching new people for Jesus in our church plants? Why are so many of the new generations not connecting to church? Why do “alternative worship services within an existing church” usually fail?* Why are so many others (many of my generation – OK, older!) disconnecting from established churches? In his book Revolution, George Barna says that we are in the midst of a spiritual Revolution – with people leaving local churches for they have not found spiritual transformation for themselves there nor an environment to which they can invite pre-Christian friends. What do you think?     

     These are critical issues. They are not about to go away. To explore these (and other) questions and to share what you think – I have created a blog. Simply go to and there you can respond. You can share the story of your church plant. You can read the comments of others. You can respond to and encourage other planters. I look forward to reading your comments.     

     New church plants are springing up all the time. There are some pretty inspiring stories in this NEWS. You are part of a growing movement of church planting.

Be creative and courageous for God,

Peter Roennfeldt

* For a recent high profile failure – check out




Stories, resources, websites & equipping – including:

·        Aboriginal Church Plant – Norseman

·        Level Seven Forum – New in London

·        Morning Peninsula New Life – Prayer Support

·        London Live – This Friday.

·        Relational Evangelism in French Church Plants:

·        Dunstable Community Plant – Would be Missed

·        Church Planting – the Way of Church in Western Australia

·        Ohio Goes Missional.


Aboriginal Church Plant – Norseman (Western Australia): Aboriginal families are now meeting for worship each Sabbath in Norseman, reports Nancy Park, who is leading the group. “Our group has gotten so large now that our premises are getting a little squeezey,” Nancy says. “Our group is growing so fast.” When all the children come they have almost 20. They have approached the local authorities (Shire) about taking over the vacant and dilapidated old Scout hall in this isolated mining community.

Level Seven Forum is another church planting project that has recently started in central London – led by Kirsten Oster-Lundqvist. Level Seven Forum is “a place for challenging discussions about relevant contemporary issues from a Christian perspective and for networking with people who want to make a difference in society.” Aris Vontzalidis, church planting coordinator for the South England Conferences reports, “It takes place in high class hotels in London with visiting speakers, and targets professionals and business people.”

Morning Peninsula New Life – Prayer Support (Victoria, Australia): On Saturday morning, 23 September, seven people gathered around the kitchen table in Ken & Heather Raymond’s home for worship. “They were really fired up and we were all richly blessed,” Ken reports. “After our Bible study we cleared the tables and shared lunch together.” In planning, Ken & Heather recruited nine people to give them prayer support and share needs via emails. “Your collective prayers are already moving mountains,” they wrote this week. Now in their fifth week – there are eight people meeting each week. Some will share in their first communion next week, a baptism of three people is planned for November 11 and there will be a wedding the next weekend. The group is active in sharing the SEARCH videos with their friends – to introduce them to God.

London Live – This Friday. This Friday (20 October) guest speaker, Dejan Stojkovic, will present, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For." Go to Regents Hall (Salvation Army Building) 275 Oxford Street on Friday at 6:30 pm for café or 7:30 pm for praise and worship, creative dramas and dialogue. Aris Vontzalidis, church planting coordinator for the South England Conferences says, “I am so excited by what the Lord is doing and will be doing through this amazing and committed group of young professionals.” For more details email [email protected] or visit the London Live website: .

Relational Evangelism in French Church Plants: As well as numerous new ethnic churches in France, there are now four new Adventist plants reaching the majority French culture – E2E in Paris, led by Gabriel Monet; a plant in Nîmes led Pierre Kempf; Grenoble-2 with a lay leader; and the Meyrin plant (started last week), led by Guy Roullet. “Each of these focus upon relational evangelism, contemporary worship, and the involvement of each member in a ministry,” says Bernard Sauvagnat – the church planting coordinator for the Franco-Belgium Union. “I feel that the Spirit is working and there is a new enthusiasm for evangelism and mission.”

Dunstable Community Plant (England): Although this new plant only met for their first worship less than eight months, Aris Vontzalidis says, “The community would be missing them if they were to leave tomorrow.” The core team of 14 members – with lay planter Doreen Bourne – from the Luton North and Luton Central Adventist churches made the needs of their local Downside community their primary focus. Others who have joined them also live in the area. Through dialogue with community leaders and house-to-house surveys, they have identified health and family needs – to which they are responding with monthly health presentations. A Saturday afternoon drop-in session gives young adults the opportunity for ‘one-on-one’ dialogue and support.

Church Planting – the Way of Church in Western Australia: Eight planting teams have been trained in Western Australia in 2006 and are now planting new churches. Other groups are forming. Glenn Townend, the Western Australia Conference president, is an experienced church planter – and he actively fosters planting. “Members are starting to realize that church doesn't need to be done only as it has in the past,” says Phil Brown. “It seems that every few weeks I am contacted by members who are interested in doing something. They want to know how they can proceed.”

Ohio Goes Missional. Mike Stevenson [[email protected]] reports that “Ohio has gone Missional.” It is pretty exciting to think of denominational leaders making the commitment “to move as many churches as are willing toward an incarnational / transformational model.” 


What could Church be like? Check out .

New Youth Church Plant in north-west London: “Imagine a church for young people, run by young people,” write the youth leaders of the Adventist church across London. They say, “This will be a church like no other, one not afraid to break the mould and to recreate the concept of church.” If you are willing to commit to this project contact Robert Hines: [email protected] .

Revolution Conference: Get more info: Conference Website: Conference Blog: . Get Tickets at .

Church Planting Event – London:  Interested or active in Church Planting? Live in or around London? This is for you. Saturday, 18 November 2006 (10am – 5.30pm) at the Stanborough Secondary School, Stanborough Park, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 9JT. The cost is only £10 – including meals. Find out more about Church Planting. CONTACT: Miss Jelena Popovic – 01923 656-528. Application & cheque: to be paid by 20 Oct 06.

Today’s Thought – an excellent Daily Devotional:  Bruce Wadd sends out a daily email devotional – intended “for the Christian that is traveling the journey.” Contact Bruce – [email protected] .

Global Student Missions Conference – Korea in July 2007: Geoff Folland, the Sydney Area Coordinator for Student Life at Macquarie University (Sydney), says that they are expecting 20,000 students from 100 countries at this Korea Campus Crusade for Christ conference. Geoff has asked us to alert recipients of CHURCH PLANTING NEWS to some special offers: and .