- The Church – ministry ideas!
- Building Community, Transforming Lives
- Making a Difference in Your Community
- God’s Money in the Harvest
- Gospel Choirs reach Postmoderns
- Watering Hole in the Community
The Church – ministry ideas! The Church was planted in Enfield, North London, in November 2003. It has grown to 25-35 attending regularly. The ministries are designed for a secular Caucasian society –
- ENlight Café Church – is advertised to the community, a major contemporary, high-quality outreach activity.
- Addicted2Life – (begun in 2007) is for those struggling with and recovering from addictions.
- ‘CrossTalk’ and ‘Str8Talk’ (Saturday Bible classes) – have been a great success.
Building Community, Transforming Lives is what re:vive (in Grantham, England) is all about. They say, “It can be easier to invite people to get to know God if they already know you – so get socializing and have some fun!” For ideas on what they have tried check out newchurchlife.com.
Making a Difference in Your Community: With their small rural Steigen church (Norway) dying of old age Gunhild & Jan Erik started a horse-riding, mechanics and cooking clubs at their farm on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for the teenagers of the district. Their influence continues to grow in the local community – as do the options for the kids involved – and a few of their community supporters/helpers are now meeting with them for spiritual fellowship. “Several people came to Gunhild and Jan Erik and asked them to start something!” says one leader. “They actually serve as the only option the local schools and council have when it comes to rehabilitate kids on the edge.”
God’s Money in the Harvest: Over the last couple of years Gunhild & Jan Erik (from Steigen, Norway) have taken a group of community teens to Romania to work in orphanages for a couple of weeks. They have decided to do it again this year, but did not have the money. They had decided on taking out a personal loan to defray the costs. However, without telling anyone except God – money started to pour in. The local Red Cross asked if they needed money – and they were surprised to learn that they had collected almost the total amount needed. Gunhild had just that morning prayed for this amount but not told Jan Erik. Imagine their joy!
Gospel Choirs reach Postmoderns: Postmodern secular young adults are joining gospel choirs in the Czech Republic – and through their participation are coming to know who Jesus is. Check out the Mamina Gospel Choir – one such choir: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5jepHpY0Co
Watering Hole in the Community: The Watering Hole team is identifying with their community. “One of our team turned down other interviews while she waited for God to make a teaching post available in Totton,” says Gordon Lethbridge. Gordon also helps out at the same school with the gymnastics. They are also partnering with Frontline, a local Christian debt recovery charity – and using the local community centre gives exposure. The centre staff have also supported the idea of parenting classes.
Melbourne Conference for Ethnic Evangelism (MCEE) NORTHERN REGIONAL MEETING – 11 March 2008, 7-9 pm: The Melbourne Conference for Ethnic Evangelism is planning x3 regional meetings to meet all those involved and interested in ethnic and multi-cultural ministries, to present the vision and report to church leaders about MCEE. The Northern Regional Meeting will be held on 11 March at 81 High St, Preston (cnr Oakover and High St). Contact Kumar Abraham 9840 1144 or 9798 6707.
Forge Grass Roots Mission Festival – 11-13 April 2008: The Forge Grass Roots Mission Festival 2008 will depart from the normal conference format – spilling out onto the streets of Melbourne (Australia), with artists, musicians, practitioners from all over the country and the world. You will get a chance not only to listen to missionaries but actually work with, observe and interact with artists, activists, church planters, and some of the most amazing mission workers in Oz and in Melbourne City – from Order 614, Urban Seed, Steps, St Martians, God Squad, Community of Hope (New Age), etc. To find out what mission workshops you can go do and register go to www.festival08.forge.org.au
Church Planting Summit in Western Australia – April 25-27 2008: Contact Phil Brown for more details – [email protected]
Wolfgang Simpson in Australia – 1-7 Sept 2008: OIKOS Australia, Forge, Life Messenger, Life Expedition, UNOH and others are presenting this event at Arrow on Swanston (Melbourne, Australia). Details to follow.
Peter Roennfeldtm +61 0423 333 614h +61 (0)3 8361 8641