Life Groups Multiply!

God is doing exciting things through Northpoint Church’s Life Groups (in (Melbourne, Australia). In 2007 the number of small groups multiplied from 3 to 7. Last week, Betty’s group – which had over 12 people attending – multiplied to give birth to the eighth Life Group in this church plant. The new group is led by Kinnie who was trained as an apprentice leader – with the support of Delia, one of the pastors. Betty is out door-knocking to add to her group again. Church planter Loren Pratt says that he is deeply moved when he sees the groups love and support each other – some who, like the young mother who lost her little one in a house fire last September, have experienced devastating trauma. “I saw my Life Group care for her and she left knowing that there is a God who cares for her,” Loren says. "Life Groups change lives," reports Greg Pratt – associate planter.