NorthPoint Network Keeps Planting

Veteran planter Loren Pratt has been working in Melbourne’s northwest suburbs for many years. Using a combination of community involvement and Bible seminars, Loren and his associate pastor/planter Zoran Gajic, have also multiplied into Melton (west of Melbourne) – with worship services in the community Barn, where the first Melton Adventist Church launched 7 years ago. (There are now 3 Adventist church plants in Melton – including a Samoan plant.) With denominational funding a Tullamarine commercial building (warehouse and office block) was purchased three years ago as the home for NorthPoint. As well as a worship venue for 30-40 each week, this centre is the venue for a Men’s Shed, a Food Bank (feeding over 200 each week), community courses, a recipe club, a Pathfinder (Scout type) club, a small Bible class and prayer group each week, and a monthly Messy Church for community families.