Easter Saturday the SOS plant at Southend went out onto the streets – singing, sharing; providing an 8-point health check, ‘citizen’s advice’, an ADRA water pump demonstration (popular with the children), hot drinks etc. One of the organizers, Dr Colin Gordon, says: ‘An estimated 3,000 people benefitted from the day’s program!’ See SOS
This is organic church planting!
Great observation from Peter Hobbs (e/m), Salvation Army planter on the Bellarine Peninsula, (Vic, Australia): ‘After nearly 4½ years of sowing with unbelievers in the community we are starting to see these “unchurched” believers stepping up in leadership roles within our plant. Now with a majority from outside church culture our ‘church’ looks nothing like… Continue reading
Fiji Church Planting Conference
FIJI Pacific Reach Church Planting Movement – 13-19 July 2014 at Fulton College, Sabeto, Fiji: I will join other facilitators, equipping young adults to plant churches in villages across the Pacific. The vision of the Adventists in the Pacific is for each local church to have a planting project. There are only limited spaces available… Continue reading
Bible Lands Tour 2015
Your opportunity to visit Jordan and Israel – and walk where Jesus walked. For more information!
Missional is not another fad!
Some thought missional might be another fad – but, it is not proving to be! Yes, some terms pass their use-by-date. Emerging church was a great term – church from below, connected with the past and also the future! However, it was damaged from within and without – even negatively impacting the term emerging missional… Continue reading
A small country church – missional?
On Saturday I spoke at the Adventist church in Benalla (VIC). A great little town, a neat country church – close to the town centre; and a warm welcome given to all who came near the place! A simple Bible study and worship experience – singing led by a little family, with the husband/father playing… Continue reading
Revisiting the Jesus meme
Check out Simon Smart’s comment on Who’s Bigger: Where Historical Figures Really Rank – a great Christmas read!
Messy Church – one description!
The Woy Woy Anglican Church (NSW, Australia) website has a great description of Messy Church – a creative family (even New Testament household) way of doing church!
Have you thought of walking in the footsteps of Jesus in Israel – to understand how he made disciples and developed his movement? This October (2013) there are a few places left if you would like to join in this leadership study tour – exploring the context, development and expansion of Jesus’ movement. For information… Continue reading
Discipleship is …
Check out what 60+ leaders are saying about discipleship and go to Exponential to download free books.