NEWS 25 FEB 14

Hello friends Some thought missional might be another fad. But, it is not proving to be! Yes, some terms pass their use-by-date. Emerging church was a great term – church from below, connected with the past and, at the same time, the future. However, it was damaged from within and without – even negatively impacting the term emerging missional church. So we might be back to missional – and this… Continue reading

Books on movements

Check out these great books relating to movements – – ‘Contagious Disciple Making: Leading Others on a Journey of Discovery’ (David Watson & Paul Watson) – ‘Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus’ (Jerry Trousdale) – ‘Pioneering Movements: Leadership that multiplies disciples and churches’ (Steve Addison) – ‘Movements… Continue reading

Shiftm2M in Europe

Shiftm2M is a journey on which Christian leaders intentionally shift from doing ministry to cultivating movements by following Jesus’ example. Resources are provided (reading guides, podcasts, videos) to explore the life of Jesus as it unfolded – from beginning to end. Live-in retreats at key intervals provide opportunity to process and apply the discoveries being… Continue reading

MC² Training – starting soon!

MC² is a simple and transferable training process that equips people to share their faith and develop multiplying faith-communities resulting in church movements. MC² Training starts Sat 18 Oct (Melbourne) & Fri 14 Nov (Sydney). For more details go to MC² Training 1.

Revelation Seminars

To share the rich meaning of John’s Apocalypse: ‘the revelation of Jesus Christ’ (Rev 1:1) – click here for verse-by-verse & topical reading guides, supporting PowerPoint Presentations and a Facilitator’s Guide.

Q. proven method for planting?

Is there a most proven method of successful church planting? During the 80s and 90s the emphasis was on planting community churches. This involved complex programming and community centre type properties – both expensive. Since the late 90s the model has been smaller groups and more relational activities – rather than programs. The environment has… Continue reading