Steve Addison has been blogging on the obstacles to church planting movements. This is No. 4 in a series – ‘When four generations of disciples and churches are the norm, you’re in the middle of a church planting movement (CPM). It’s hard enough to get to a CPM. They are just as hard to sustain…. Continue reading
Post Category → Plant movements
Church Planting in Europe
Check out this report – Church Planting in Europe!
The 10% – to start a movement!
Want to change your church? Want to see a movement? It doesn’t take the vote of a committee, nor the decision of hierarchies! It is the anointing of the Spirit of Jesus upon the 10%! Check out this very interesting article on starting a landslide!
Church Planting Movements
Last week I participated in a summit of church planting movement practitioners. 100+ people with the passion of preparing people for the soon coming of Jesus. Some are learning – others are part of movements that are planting 1,000s and tens of 1,000s of churches a year. They shared with each other key movement principles,… Continue reading
Essentials for Church Planting Movements
1. Passionate prayer – because we love listening to & talking with God 2. Miracles – the evidence of the activity & presence of the Spirit of God 3. Telling the story of Jesus – frequently, in language people understand
Paul’s Church Planting
During the last 4 weeks Judy and I were in Greece. We have visited the places where Paul first planted churches in Europe – Philippi, Thessaloniki and Corinth. (Acts 16:6-18:18) When in Athens I took my early morning walks around the Acropolis, most mornings pausing to reflect and pray on Mars Hill – where the… Continue reading
Planting Churches that Multiply
The conversation guide for Planting Churches that Multiply has been extensively updated and revised. You can download it here Planting Churches that Multiply 2011. Or for this and other resources in the field of church planting movements you could visit the Newbold College library. Click LIBRARY, go to the Roy Graham Library Catalogue and search… Continue reading
Do you know a ‘person of peace’?
Jesus said to connect to the ‘person of peace’. Church planters look for this person – one who is hospitable, with whom the Holy Spirit is working, who has influence within his or her relational stream in society, and has a reputation (good or bad) within the community. These people can open their relational network… Continue reading
Shift:m2M Sampler Days.
This is a peer learning experience – the opportunity to share a journey with others committed to learning about movement building through the life of Jesus. Walk through the Gospels chronologically and experience how Jesus cultivated a movement! Check out the Sampler – Feb 10 in Sydney & Feb 16 in Melbourne.
Church in the 21st Century
The papers shared at the ‘Church and Adventist Identity in the 21st Century’ Conference are now available at the Avondale website. Check them out …