NEWS 18 Mar 03

Dear Friends

God is working through your efforts to reach lost people with the good news of salvation through Jesus. You will again be encouraged by these stories of The Spirit’s activities. Thanks for sharing. Pray for each other – and share your experience.

Christian regards

Peter Roennfeldt





Laszlo Szabo – church planter and church planting coordinator in Hungary – has learnt a lesson that may help other planters using language schools. Because an English speaking person has joined their Kobanya church planting core team – it was decided that an English language school be opened. Advertising attracted 15 registrations for the class. However, on the opening evening – due to unforeseen circumstances – the ‘teacher’

was not able to be present. Fortunately, Laszlo Szabo visited the venue to see how the opening class started.

The person making introductions seized the opportunity, saying to the people that it had been decided that on the first evening a special guest (Laszlo Szabo) would introduce basic principles of language study and help everyone get to know each other. He was introduced as a pastor – who had lived in different cultures and learnt a number of languages. Laszlo shared some introductory ideas on language learning, English culture etc.

The people expressed their appreciation for such an enjoyable introduction to the course.

This ‘disastrous’ start has proved a blessing, reports Laszlo.

“The people know that I am a pastor. They welcome me whenever I call in to see the class. I sense that I have a greater interest in their spiritual journey – because I know them,” says Laszlo. “This last Friday evening (March 14) Peter Roennfeldt conducted an evangelistic meeting in Kobanya – and many of the English class members were present. We had a wonderful evening of fellowship with them. I would suggest that whenever language classes are started that the first evening be taken by the pastor – introducing basic language ideas and cultivating friendships.”


“Yesterday afternoon Tina and I went down to the park were the basketball square is,” writes Lasse Bech – one of the leaders from the Copenhagen ‘Plug In’ teen project . “We have decided that we are going down there every Thursday afternoon during this spring. So we just went for the first time. The sun was shining, but it is still quite cold in Denmark

– and we didn’t expect to make new contacts the first day. But we had prayed that God would send some kids – and he did! Two brothers saw us shooting for the baskets, and asked if we would like to play with them.

Then, later, a girl came and played. They told us that they remembered us from their school when we had been with our Go-karts! They related to us immediately. I really found that very encouraging. Could you mention them in your prayers, that they will come back next week.”


“The ‘Underground’ initiative with its emphasis upon small groups has involved young people in reaching their lost friends,” says Gilbert Cangy, South Pacific Division Youth Director who has been in Europe for the ‘Youth Matters’ conference (Denmark) and meetings with church leaders and youth in the British Union. While outlining the ‘Underground’ concept, Gilbert emphasised that it has fostered local church rather than big event, parachurch type youth activities. “‘Underground’ has encouraged youth and local churches in Australia and New Zealand to ‘get connected’ with their unchurched friends,” Cangy reports.

‘Underground’ is a perfect initiative – providing a special youth opportunity to the major initiative of the British Union to reach postmoderns,” says Peter Roennfeldt, Trans-European Division Ministerial Secretary. “The ‘Underground’ small groups are ‘get connected’ type initiatives.” Gilbert Cangy spent four years as an associate pastor and church planter with Peter Roennfeldt.



Church planter, Glenn Townend reports that they have started a series of evangelistic outreach meetings in the hall where they are planting their school-based church in the western suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. South Pacific Division evangelist Anthony Kent is leading. “We started on Sabbath afternoon with 200 people in Gilson Hall,” says Glenn.

“We were very pleased.”


“Holiday Club went really, really well,” report Dana and Leslie King – Yeovil Family Church planters. “Twenty six children came each day and the theme was mountains. We had three VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) students working with us They were fantastic. We also had one of our teenagers from our teen club working with us. We are training him up as a leader. He was of great assistance. Parents are really depending on this service and they have been requesting more oppotunities for themselves.

We were then able to share the plans and development of ‘Time Out Together.'”

PRAY FOR … Dana and Leslie King write a regular email to their ‘prayer support team.’ From their most recent email items to pray for include …

# A meeting with a property owner about a potential building for the ‘Time Out Together’ community project for families – he is giving the property rent free for 3 months..

# Applications for funding to support the centre and pay staff.

# Involvement of the community in refurbishment of the property – involving young offenders in painting and trainee plumbers in fitting out the toilets etc.

# The 6 Birchfield pre-school staff (where the pathfinders meet in the

hall) have offered to partnership with Leslie & Dana to offer community projects in school holidays.

# The Voluntary Service Overseas student who is working with Dana – putting together a ‘welcome pack’ for the May family camp. (May 23-25th at Chapel Porth) # The growing number of unchurched parents who are getting involved in planning camps, teaching, projects, etc.

“We appreciate all your encouragement,” say Leslie and Dana.

“Tuesday remains to be our day of prayer and praise – even if at times it comes down to half a day. The difference it makes is beyond our imaginations.”