Welcome, Holy Spirit

In his daily devotional, Welcome, Holy Spirit, Garrie Williams surveys the life and activity of the Holy Spirit by looking at reference to Him in the Bible. I love the title of this book – Welcome, Holy Spirit.


Why not stop right now and speak to Him? Just stop for a moment – and meditate upon His presence. God – the very God of the universe – is with and in you! Isn’t this amazing – awesome? Just stop and rejoice in this reality.


Just say to Him: “Welcome, Holy Spirit. You are welcome in this place. You are welcome in my life. Thank you for living with and in me!”


We easily visualize the Father and Son as personalities, but many are unsure of the Holy Spirit.  He remains “the displaced person of the Godhead." We take care of how we speak of Him – for He is here, present with us! (We are always more careful of how we speak of a person when that person is present!)



  • In John 14:16 – Jesus told his disciples that the Holy Spirit would take his place!
  • In John 14:16, 17 – He added that this would lead to a more intimate relationship.

Jesus was not suggesting that the Holy Spirit would be a substitute or stand-in for himself.  He was describing to his disciples a new relationship – something very special.  He was saying, “I am going away.  I will ask the Father to send the Spirit to you.”  But, he then described a deeper relationship with them. Check out –

  • Jesus said: “I will not leave you as orphans.” John 14:18
  • Jesus said: “You will realize that … I am in you.” John 14:19-20, 23
  • Later Jesus said – “I am with you always.” Matt 28:20
  • Later Mark recorded – “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” Mark 16:19, 20

Pause again. “Welcome, Holy Spirit. I welcome you into my life!”


An early Adventist pioneer wrote: “Even here (in this present life) Christians may have the joy of communion (close fellowship and conversation) with Christ; they may have the light of His love, the perpetual comfort of His presence.” (Steps to Christ, p. 125) What is meant by “the perpetual comfort of His presence”? This is spelt out in an earlier chapter entitled, Growing Up Into Christ.

This is what Jesus was speaking about. Stop and pray about this –

  • “When Christ ascended to heaven, the sense of His presence was still with His followers.  It was a personal presence, full of love and light.
  • “Pentecost brought them the presence of the Comforter, of whom Christ had said, He ‘shall be with you.’ … Henceforth through the Spirit, Christ was to abide continually in the hearts of His children.  Their union with Him was closer than when He was personally with them.  The light, and love, and power of the indwelling Christ shone out through them, so that men, beholding, ‘marveled: and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.’

This experience was not to be limited to apostolic times.  For “all that Christ was to the disciples, He desires to be to His children today.” (Ibid., 73)  The Holy Spirit brings the presence of Jesus into our lives. He is here! Jesus is here. The Father is here. “Welcome, Holy Spirit!  You are welcome in my life!”

3 Comments Welcome, Holy Spirit

  1. Elisabeth

    so far I’ve learned about life in the spirit, but I still continue to learn and continue to pursue a stronger relationship with the Holy Spirit.

  2. Natasha

    God had done many big things in my life and he changes my life. He hold my hand and made me feel comfort thou know I need to feel the blessing of holy Spirit.Amen

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